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Can we get a little less jargon up in here??

Ok I am going to get a little nerdy and academic with this post (sorry in advance to family & friends whose eyes are soon to glaze over). This week I am working on a monitoring and evaluation plan for a new women's self-help group training. This will eventually provide a basis for a baseline survey that I'll develop next month.

Once I created an initial draft I was asked by my supervisor to go through and remove the typical evaluation jargon before presenting it to the local NGO staff. As a total believer in meeting people and organizations where they are (and acknolwledging the history of local NGOs being left out of M&E all together) I am totally on board with this task. As with any assignment, I first turn to Google for answers -- no need to reinvent the wheel if one of the many brilliant evaluators out there in the world have already de-jargonized (is that a word?) common evaluation words and phrases. However to my surprise there are very few online resources on this topic. I am looking for less threatening/confusing words to describe:

  • Logic model/log frame

  • Indicators

  • Outcomes

  • Etc...

To give you just a sense of how jargon-filled the evaluation profession is, I came across a site that is attempting to map the typology of evaluation terms:

The image above doesn't do it justice. You can see the entire typology here:

What I have come across are some useful websites that define evaluation terms. One such website is the UK's National Health Service Institute for Innovation and Improvement's Research and Evaluation Jargon Buster -- this would've been really helpful to me when I first started getting into evaluation. Here's another Jargon Buster website that provides examples for each term:

So, I am curious to hear from my fellow evaluators: 1) Have you come across resources with specific examples of appropriate replacement words/phrases for evaluation terms? 2) Any ideas on how I can use less jargon?? Please share in the comments below!

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